Watch out! Predators are on the loose. Inspired by the jelly candies
that every child loves to devour, the talented artist team at Estúdio Icone
just finished another super cool project.
These two images full of details was crafted envolving all different areas of the studio: from concept art to 3D, closing with the
refined look of our retouchers.

concepts imageS


making of

Creative Production: Estúdio Ícone
Creative Director: Paulo Botelho
Producer: Marcio Botelho
Concept: Renan Motta Lima
3D Artists: Matheus Sant'anna, Jorge Pepe Life and Antonio Peres
Modeling: Leo Sakamoto and Ramon Lima
Creative Retouch: Paulo Botelho, Diogo Vieira and Thiago Marques
Art Director: Luiz Cesar Faria Jr.
Copywriter: Henrique Louzada
Thank you for watching!
For more of our work and information about what we do, you can
visit our website at www.estudioicone.com
Please feel free to follow us on Facebook as well